Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Tale Of Two Warehouse Clubs

It’s easy to love Costco (COST). The shopping experience, while admittedly not for everyone, appeals to many based on low pricing and something of the flavor of a treasure-hunt. For investors, the appeal is a loyal customer base (fostered by the membership program), a broad-based product mix featuring a hefty dose of everyday necessities (which, together with the low prices, undoubtedly helped the company get through the recession with less pain than many other big-box retailers), and a cost-efficient operation. Don’t you just wish you could make that work for you as a shareholder? Too bad COST is unlikely to do that for you.

I’m not saying COST stock is a dog. Actually, it’s reasonably well-rated by many of the twenty-plus analysts that cover it (the weighted average recommendation score is 1.92 on a scale of 1.00 being best and 5.00 being worst). The problem, so to speak, is the nature of the investment case you have to make here. The most important issue, for COST and most other big-name stocks, is whether you think they’ll meet, miss, or beat the consensus estimates for the next quarter and whether the next round of sales and earnings guidance to be issued by management will be more or less favorable than analysts now expect.

Some investors are good at this sort of thing, at least some of the time. Others aren’t. But even the more successful players are not really cashing in on the positive merits of a business like this. They’re primarily gaming the guidance. They could be doing this with COST. It could be Wal Mart (WMT). It could be McDonalds (MCD). It could be Coca Cola (KO). It could be Microsoft (MSFT). It could be Cisco (CSCO). It could be any one of countless big-name stocks, the common themes being analyst coverage, and an exciting business/growth story that, when you sit down and really think about it, you realize is yesterday’s news.

Figure 1, a long-term comparisons between COST and the S&P 500, shows pretty clearly that the rewards for investors who recognized the merits of Costco’s business model were pretty much fully distributed more than a decade ago. Ever since its late-1990s market splash, COST has been just another big-name stock; sometimes outperforming the market, sometimes underperforming, but on the whole, just another name.

Figure 1

Interestingly, though, the small-cap segment of the market is serving up another opportunity for investors to participate in a Costco-type story: PriceSmart (PSMT), which runs warehouse clubs in the Caribbean and Central America. The business models are similar (membership-based, big-box stores, low prices, efficient operations) albeit tailored to PSMT’s locales (products with local appeal and square footage that may be small by COST standards but huge in local contexts).

PSMT is not by any means a start-up. Trailing 12 month revenues are already up to $1.3 billion and the company also looks established and “legit” by other metrics: Returns on Investment of 13.13% and 6.53% for the trailing 12 months and last five years respectively, versus industry medians of 8.84% and 4.49%; Sales growth rates of 7.81% and 18.13% for the trailing 12 months and last five years respectively, versus industry medians of 5.15% and 2.74%; operating margins of 4.99% and 3.18% for the trailing 12 months and last five years, just about equal to industry medians, and a 0.19 Total Debt to Equity ratio, versus an industry median of 0.37.

At first glance, stock valuation metrics seem to put PSMT at a disadvantage: the forward PE (calculated based on estimated EPS) is 20.00 for PSMT versus an industry median of 15.62. The PEG ratio, here, is 1.67 versus 1.00 for the industry. Moreover, the consensus analyst long-term EPS growth rate projection is 12% for PSMT, versus a 14.5% industry median.

So on a purely numerical basis, PSMT does not seem like such a big deal. But if investing were just a matter of reading numbers, we’d all be gazillionaires. The challenge is to decide which numbers are most significant, and in some case, which are most credible.

Frankly, I would not bet the farm on the industry as a whole achieving anything near 14.5% EPS growth rate over the next three to five years. The companies are too mature and U.S. consumers will likely take a long time to reduce their leverage, especially with income prospects sluggish at best. Conversely, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if 12% turns out to be too low as a projection of PSMT’s growth rate considering the opportunities that lie ahead of this much-less-mature company: operational improvement at existing, and still-young, stores; addition of new stores in countries in which the company already operates; expansion into other countries in the region; possible expansion beyond Central American and the Caribbean; and perhaps most important, presence in developing markets that offer much more upside from the potential evolution of a consumer-middle class.

I’m not being a rebel when I speak dismissively of the Wall Street growth projections. Try asking a sell side analyst how he or she comes up with the long-term expectations if you ever get a chance. Don’t worry about struggling to keep a straight and polite face. Chances are they’ll chuckle, or roll their eyes, or maybe even laugh out loud as they respond.

Obviously, I can’t swear a PSMT investment will succeed, or even outperform COST on a three- to five-year basis. But at least I know I’d be thinking about and evaluating the potential for the warehouse club concept to catch on with a lot of consumers who are unfamiliar with it, which makes me feel a heck of a lot more like an investor than I do when I sit around trying to game the guidance.

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